AO: LC105
When: 11/01/2021
Number of Pax: 5
Pax Names: Grease Monkey, Jockey, LEO, Permit, Speed Square,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
The BackBlast:
Backblast: November 1 Guns
AO: LC-105 (Pearson Park)
Date: 2021.11.01
PAX: Permit, Speed Square, Grease Monkey, Jockey, LEO
Total: 5
FNG’s: 0
FNG Names:
* Dumbbells: 15 & 25 lbs
5:30a Disclaimer & Modification
- Waist Rotation IC
- Pushups w/ Kickouts Lt/Rt
- Low Slow Squats
- Table w/ Kickouts Lt/Rt
- Oblique Dips Lt/Rt
- Crab Cakes
- Speed Skaters
Grass Lawn (40 yards)
- High Knees SKIP:
JOG: Forward / Backward
- Straddle Hops: Left / Right
- Karaoke: Left / Right
- Sprint 25, 50, (75), 100%
- Shoulders Rolls Lt then Rt 4x
Forward, then Backward
(Sides & Front)
The Thang:
Bear Crawl toward playground.
Stop at sidewalk.
Sprint to playground:
10 Derkins.
Sprint back to the Stage area:
10 Flutter Kicks.
One PAX will stay by stage area and will use Dumbbells 10 reps each with both 15 & 25 lbs:
- Straight Curls
- Thrusters (Squat & Shoulder Press)
- Half-Hammer Curls w/ Twist
- Trap Fly’s
COT to Stretch:
Legs: Ham, Quad, Groin
6:15 COT
- Count & Name-Aroma
- Prayer Request & Praises
- Announcements