When: 08/25/2021
Number of Pax: 11
Pax Names:
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Long Distance
The BackBlast:
This morning 11 men left from the AO and did a warm up jog up the hill on greenbrier to highland. There we begane interval working around the 300-400 meter circle of sweetbriar circle. after each loop at 75%, we then recoverd with light jog doewn the street to highland and then back to the loop. this was repeated 4-5 times. We then recovered with a .75 mile jog back to the AO.
COT with prayers and praises (Praise for Grease monkey’s aunt, Praise for Flux dad, good report from treatment, Praise for conversation with kinston Mayor about spreading the word of F3, Prayers for Waterboys friend Laura, and prayers for the family of Nuke’s Mother in law )
Announcements – Pax lunch Ma’s hot dog house. Iron pax sign up.