AO: LC105
When: 05/11/2021
Number of Pax: 4
Pax Names: LEO, Mayhem, Permit, Stix,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
The BackBlast:
HIM Not listed: STIX (Dewayne Hubbard)
Exploration Courthouse Mountain and the Great Walls of Kinston
w/ Functional Cardio
AO: LC-105 Pearson Park
5:30 NJ LEO
- Listen to Body & Modify
- Side-to-Side (9-6-3-12)
- Pushups w/ Kickouts Lt/Rt
- Table w/ Kickouts Lt/Rt
- Sumo Squats (Keep Hands @12)
- Bridge Raises + Kicks
- Crab Cakes
- Speed Skaters
Grass Lawn
- High Knees SKIP:
JOG: Forward / Backward
- Straddle Hops: Left / Right
- Karaoke: Left / Right
50 yards
- Sprint 25, 50, (75), 100%
50 yards
Functional Cardio:
Jogged to Courthouse
Bear Crawl UP Steps, -Flutter Kicks 10 ct
Bear Crawl DOWN Steps -Derkins 10 ct
(3 Rounds)
Jogged North on Queen St to
Park Lot w/ Brick Knee Wall
- Derkins 20 ct
- Triceps Dips 20 ct
- Balls to Wall (Count-a-roma)
Jogged back to LC-105
COT to Stretch:
- Legs: Ham, Quad, Calf
6:15 COT
- Count & Name-Aroma
- Prayer Request & Praises
- Announcements