02/03/2022 - AO-33 - Namaste
Yoga/Broga flow with core exercise. Great turn out
Yoga/Broga flow with core exercise. Great turn out
Introduction, disclaimer, outline of course and safety issues Warmup SSH, High Knees, Butt Kickers run to AA Music Park, approx 1/2 mile Fox Holes x 10, run 200 meters Tennessee…
Backblast: The Dirty 30 AO: Knight School Date: 9/25/2021 PAX: Grease Monkey, Sprint, Gopher, Speed Square, Wolverine, Pellet, Whaler, Leo, SpongeBob, FNG-Pillow Top Total: 10 FNG: 1 FNG Names: Pillow…
Backblast: The 9/11 Remembrance WOD AO: Double Play Date: 9/11/2021 PAX: Lt. Dan, Sprint, Jockey, Leo, Shortstop, Wirenut, Bonesaw, Watchdog, Handy Manning, Flow, Runt, Gundy, Gopher, Blue Bear, Short Circuit,…
Backblast: No Man Left Behind AO: Hollowed Grounds Date: 7/17/21 PAX: @Sprint @Gopher-Danny Fourre @Layup @Oxy- Austin Mooring @Mule-Bryan Johnson @SOL-Stuart Stroud @Margarita FNGs: 0 FNG Names: Q: VQ @SpongeBob – Chip Herring Welcome &…
AO: Barnett Workout: Boot Camp Title: Grounds for Defense * Will be on the ground * Bring towel, change of shirt & pants 5:30a NJ LEO…
Intro Disclaimer The Thang: Moseyed the opposite side of the campus farmers carrying KB We repeated the above exercises again. We left our KBs there and moseyed back to the…
Everyone logged between 5 and 8 miles doing laps around the campus. COT Prayers for Fireant and Sissy Bar
Warmup: COTTON PICKERS (15 in cadence) GOOD MORNINGS(15 in cadence) SIDE STRADDLE HOP (15 in cadence) ARM BURNERS (15 in cadence) DON QOIXOTES (15 in cadence) MONKEY HUMPERS (15 on…
Warm up Arm circles seal claps hallelujahs don quixote ssh Route 66 (10 reps at each pole) Picnic Shelter 30 step ups 20 dips 10 merkins Bathroom wall sits/run/plank Soccer…