AO: Disco Trail
When: 06/11/2021
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names: Farva, Jockey, LEO, Marshall, Never Happened, Realtree, Short Circuit, Shortstop,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
The BackBlast:
Honey – Phil Decker posted
but Not on website list.
AO: Barnett Park (Disco Trail)
Workout Focus: RUCK OPTIONS
Regular and Double-Time Light to Medium Milage Rucking
More Options:
Add Sandbags or Other Coupons
5:30 NJ LEO
- Listen to Body & Modify
- No First-timers
“Rucks On”
Ruck to Bethel Church Back Parking Lot
PAX can Regular Ruck or Double-Time Ruck (Shuffle), or Run
Those who double-time, once reaching Hwy US 258, pick up the 6 to regroup, and so we can cross the Hwy together. If one goes we all go.
Rucked to Back Parking Lot for Further Instruction
We “Rucked the Parking Lot.”
Ruck from One end of the Parking Lot to the Other.
PAX can Regular Ruck or Double-Time Ruck, or as Fast as you can.
Once you reached one end, wait for the 6 to regroup, then go back the other end.
After first return:
Planked in Merkin Position and each PAX counted to 10.
Repeated Ruck the Parking Lot and after second return:
Rucks Off and “Grounded Rucks Tactfully. Then 20 Flutter Kicks holding rucks at our 12.
Repeated Ruck the Parking Lot for the third time. Picked up the six, regrouped and Rucked back to the Flag.
We rucked together closely and not much difference from the 6 to the 12.
6:15 COT
- Count & Name-Aroma/ video
Q: LEO, Honey, Marshall, Realtree, Farva, Short Circuit, Jockey, Never Happened, Shortstop. (9)
- Prayer Request & Praises
Fire Ant & Sissy Bar wife Treva. Family, friends, co-workers of the two NC Fire Fighters who lost their lives this week.
- Prayed
- Announcements:
CSAUP, June 19 at Bill Fay,
AO schedule change takes effect Monday, June 21.