AO: The Silverbacks
When: 03/11/2021
Number of Pax: 8
Pax Names: Chew, Gopher, Mule, Never Happened, Runt, Short Circuit, Sprint, Tow Bar,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Sprint
The BackBlast:
Welcome and Disclaimer:
Short warmup: Side straddle hops x 15
WWII situps x 15
Butt Kickers x 15
Arm Burners x 10
Murkins x 10
The Thang: A quick mosey to the baseball field where we began a trip across the outfield that involved doing a series of exercises at
each of the light poles. No Surrenders x 10 and Burpees x 5
Another quick mosey back around the baseball field to the soccer field. At this point we divided into two groups.
Both groups were assigned the same exercises. The group was required to plank while one group member did a 40 yd
run out and back. When the runner returned, the entire group did an exercise. Then another member of the group would
run while the rest planked. This repeated until everyone had a turn running. Then we did it again with another exercise.
The exercises were: Row the Boats x 10 Stand UPs x 10 Jump Squats x 10
They last portion of the workout involved doing exercises at 4 different stations. Done together as a group,
Station 1. 20 LBC’s and 10 Lunges
Station 1. 10 Leg Lifts and 10 Imperial Walkers
Station 3. 10 Flutter Kicks and 10 Monkey Humpers
Station 4. 10 Freddie Mercuries and 10 Hallelujahs
We all circled back up at the flag and did count and name.
Prayer Requests: Fireant dealing with medical Issues. Praying for answers and healing.
Local family dealing with the loss of a child.
Local man dealing with heart issues.
Young men and women in our schools struggling to get some sort of normalcy in their lives during the age of Covid.