09/11/2021 - Hollowed Grounds - Swinging

Intro/disclaimer, 20 sec moment of silence for the 2977 people that died on 9/11 warmup- pledge, SSH, h/u merkins, sumo squats, collard pickers, don Quixote’s, dancing bears thing 1- swings,…

08/24/2021 - The Swamp - Guns are Us!

“Guns are Us” AO: The Swamp (Bill Faye Park) Date: 2021-08-24 PAX: LEO Total: 8 FNG’s: 0 FNG Names: Mayhem, Wolverine, Goggles, Pop Tart, Mule, Never Happened, Wildcat, LEO Q:…

07/02/2021 - - Harder than it sounds !!

Warmup Cotton pickers – 10 Stretches Side strattle hops – 25 In honor of July 2, we’ll do 7 rounds of 2 exercises, followed by 2 rounds of 7 exercises.…

05/28/2021 - - Recognizing Advantage Q3.4

Jackson, Sullivan, and Roll Tide were also with us but their names wouldn’t come up This Chapter focused on leadership skills: Four of them being Vision, Articulation, Persuasion, and Exhortation.…

05/29/2021 - Expansion - To the Hills

Margarita was there with us but wasnt able to find them in the list Intro Disclaimer Warmup: SSH x15 IC Cotton Pickers X10 IC Flutter Kicks x10 IC YHC introduced…

05/14/2021 - EC - Ring around K-Town

Warmup The Thang Mosey to the Music Park Imperial Squats and WW1s in 7s Crab Walking and Bear Crawling in between Excerises Mosey to the Court House Flutter kicks and…

05/11/2021 - The Swamp - CLIMB

14 men CLIMBed this morning. warmups: SSH, hillbillies, sumo squats, arm burners, butt kickers, don Quixote’s, tenn. rocking chairs, dancing bears, high knees the CLIMB- Crab Cakes, Lunges, Imperial Squats,…