AO: The Greyhounds

When: 01/29/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names: Burpee, Chestnut, Forrest, Goggles, Gopher, Jockey, Long Distance (LD), My Pleasure, Oxy, Short Sale, Shortstop,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: GameStop Dodson Worthington

QIC: My Pleasure

The BackBlast:

Interval Run Training at The Greyhounds

We ran on the road below King Street/Hwy 11 that leads to the Nature Center.  This road is 0.7 miles in length.  We made two trips down and back for a total of four lengths.  Each length consisted of two legs with the first half of each (about 0.35 miles) run at 70% speed and the other half at a jog.  After the first and third legs running toward the Nature Center we ran the hill/exit road up to Hwy 11 (up and down three times about 0.1 miles each length).  The total run was just over 4 miles.

We ended in a COT and welcomed GameStop Dodson Worthington, Short Sale’s cousin from Charlotte.

Prayer requests for Marshall, SOL’s wife Kelly, Our Nation and F3 family

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