AO: CSAUPRow the Boat

When: 02/04/2021


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names: Chestnut, Farva, Forrest, Goggles, Gopher, Hobby Lobby, Jockey, Krispy Kreme, Lt. Dan, Marshall, Mayhem, Oxy, Permit, Phoenix, Shortstop, Truth Hurts, U-Haul, Waterboy,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Phoenix

The BackBlast:


Side Straddle Hops X20

Good Mornings X10

Cotton Pickers X10

Moseyed to left field and circled up for


Round 1

Flutter Kicks

Plank Static Hold

Leg Raises

V Sit Static Hold


Round 2

Feet Cross Overs

Leg Raise Static Hold

Reverse Crunch

V Ups


Round 3

Spiderman Plank

Americsn Hammers

Mountain Climbers

Sit Up Cross Punches


Round 1 again

Flutter Kicks

Plank Static Hold

Leg Raises

V Sit Static Hold

Had “GOPHER” lead us in 20 Row the Boats

Round 3 again

Spider-Man Plank

American Hammers

Mountain Climbers

Sit Up Cross Punches


In between each round we repeated 3 exercises and ran

reps increased after each round 10, 15, 20, 20

WWII sit ups

Freddie Mercury’s


reps were 10,15,20,20 increasing after each round

Run around half of the outfield and back to the circle for the next round.


Moseyed back to the parking lot and circled up

Ended with Goggles leading in PLANK O RHAMA

Count o rhama

Name o rhama

Prayer Request

Grant Family

Bob Dawson

Sissy Bar & M

Betty & David Jones


Row the Boat captured the booty flag

St. Mary’s Church is taking donations for Sissy Bar note when you give that it’s for James Rogers

Q Source Thursday evenings 6:00 pm @ ServPro

Forrest Q Greyhounds Friday

Monthly ruck challenge Sunday @ 8:00

Lt. Dan has the Q for Double Play Saturday

Woodie Signing Saturday at Double Play

Happy Hour Wil be the 3rd Thursday of every month

Gut Check by Truth Hurts “If you don’t like what you are reaping change what you’re sowing”


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