AO: The Floodzone

When: 01/04/2021


Number of Pax: 16

Pax Names: Bidet, Chestnut, Cock a Roach, Deadlift, Farva, Flux, Goggles, LEO, Lt. Dan, Marshall, Mule, Never Happened, Oxy, Scrappy, Shortstop, Speed Square,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Goggles

The BackBlast:

16 Men assembled in the gloom, having taken the DRP, preparing for 45 minutes of strengthening. As we began our warmup and YHC said this would be a kettlebell variation of my Shield of Honor workout, there was a little bit of grumbling, but it turns out that was just the men reinforcing their resolve to give this all they had!

Warm up with Regular Plank, rotating all major joints for warming, limbering, and strengthening while I explained the premise of the Shield of Honor workout.

The Shield of Honor. This shield has 3 points, Service (which is rooted in self-sacrificial love), Strength (which includes body, mind, and spirit so we are prepared for whatever comes our way), and Integrity (the toughness that compels us to do the right thing even when it is the difficult or uncomfortable thing). We won’t modify today as an easy way out, but only after we’ve given all we have.

Shield Point #1 – Complete reps of the listed exercises in descending sets: 30, 25, 20,15,10, 5 = 105 total reps of each exercise. Between each exercise, we travel to the cones and back (approx. 15 yds away) with a variety of modes including side shuffle, back pedal, karaoke (total 24 agility trips).

KB ManMakers – (alternating sides) – on my down

KB Hip Bridge Pullovers – on my up

KB Side Plank Pulls (1/2 per side each round) – on my up

KB Russian Swings – on my up


Shield Point #2 – Complete reps of the listed exercises in descending sets: 20,15,10,5 = 50 total reps of each exercise

KB Thrusters – on my down

KB Lawnmower pulls – (1/2 per side) – on my up

KB Cossack Squats – (alternating sides) – on my down

KB Sidewinders – on my up


Shield Point #3 – Ask the PAX the Integrity question: Have they each given all they have? Their answer was a resounding YES! Awesome!!!

Cooldown with 15 Flutter Kicks IC

COT: Prayers included Fireant’s leg/calf injury, public school resuming– children, families, administrators, teachers, etc., that we each would become the men and leaders God has created and called us to be. Announcements: Put your 2021 goals in the GoogleDoc so we can encourage and support each other.

EC Ruckers: Chestnut, Marshall, Analog, Shortstop

Moleskin: YHC is honored to have this chance to lead these men. We were breathing hard, we were pouring sweat even in the chilly temps, we were grunting and groaning to complete these reps at the given pace with no rests, but we weren’t quitting and we weren’t cutting corners. Great work, men! I love being around no-surrender men like you!

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